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Sfstory Index for Logs 031-060
Vol Date ID Title Author
--- -------- -- ------------------------------------ -------------------
031 10/10/88 SF Wherein Buzz and the gang are... Patrick McCoy
10/11/88 SF Battle in Netherspace Troy Cheek
10/11/88 SF After the battle Troy Cheek
10/11/88 SF "In which, totally unaware of any..." John Sullivan
10/12/88 SF The return of Omegas Troy Cheek
10/17/88 SF An aside Scott McGuire
10/17/88 SF Wherein Toni is dealt with... Patrick McCoy
10/18/88 SF At Time Central Troy Cheek
10/18/88 SF More on Omegas Troy Cheek
10/19/88 SF Some of the boys were whooping it up Abigail Ann Young
032 10/21/88 SF The Toast of Altiverse 723 Scott McGuire
10/21/88 SF Debut Andy Lewis
10/22/88 SF A brief explanation Scott McGuire
10/23/88 SF Enter/exit Lockheed Andy Lewis
10/24/88 SF "Golden, who was quite confused..." AMBERGE at RPICICGE
10/25/88 SF "Ian Lockheed opened the control..." Andy Lewis
10/27/88 SF Wherein Nathan finally posts again! Nathan Irwin
10/27/88 SF Escape of Omegas Troy Cheek
10/27/88 SF "The HMS Sun continued on its..." Andy Lewis
10/28/88 SF 357 gets peeved Troy Cheek
10/29/88 SF "The Sun: a small, thin..." Andy Lewis
10/30/88 SF ""Ian..." a disembodied voice..." Andy Lewis
10/30/88 SF By any other name...{part 1} Scott McGuire
033 10/30/88 SF By any other name...{part 2} Scott McGuire
10/31/88 SF MORGANA, or, integrating plotlines Abigail Ann Young
10/31/88 SF The Twilight Zone, Part I Andy Lewis
10/31/88 SF Back to Floyd and last! Beth L. Jones
11/05/88 SF IT LIVES!!!!!!! Eric Alfred Burns
11/07/88 SF Yet Another New Author Nemesis Milph
11/07/88 SF The Twilight Zone, Part 10 Andy Lewis
11/07/88 SF Omegas gets every1 peeved at him Troy Cheek
11/10/88 SF Whatever happened to 357 Troy Cheek
11/14/88 SF The Twilight Zone, Part 100 Andy Lewis
11/15/88 SF Subplots in Heaven Troy Cheek
034 11/15/88 SF Wherein plotlines are picked up... Abigail Ann Young
11/16/88 SF Omegas gets on the move Troy Cheek
11/18/88 SF Wherein Buzz and the gang leave Patrick McCoy
11/21/88 SF The Doctor crashes a party Abigail Ann Young
11/21/88 SF Omegas goes a hunting Troy Cheek
11/28/88 SF "The don't-try-it-authors-only..." Andy Lewis
11/29/88 SF The Cowboy takes a break Troy Cheek
11/29/88 SF Omegas reveals his plans Troy Cheek
11/30/88 SF ""Well, I'll get to that," said..." Andy Lewis
12/05/88 SF Wherein Bubba and the gang return... Nathan Irwin
12/06/88 SF Where was Noah when the lights... Abigail Ann Young
12/07/88 SF Slaving Away Andy Lewis
035 12/09/88 SF Yes, it's true...I'm still alive! Beth L. Jones
12/14/88 SF Beauty {?} and the Beast Abigail Ann Young
12/21/88 SF Ian isn't a morning person Andy Lewis
01/01/89 SF Wherein SABRE RETURNS!!!!!!!!!! Eric Alfred Burns
01/01/89 SF Wherein Sabre's Plots get a needed... Eric Alfred Burns
01/03/89 SF The climactic battle for Trudy... Eric Alfred Burns
01/06/89 SF Wherein the Doctor gets a companion Abigail Ann Young
01/15/89 SF The Cowboy returneth Troy Cheek
01/31/89 SF The Cowboy rides again Troy Cheek
01/31/89 SF Gosh, I didn't think of that Andy Lewis
036 02/02/89 SF Cloud of smoke and all that Troy Cheek
02/04/89 SF This grave danger to earth thingy... Troy Cheek
02/08/89 SF Bobby McFerrin for Drug Czar Andy Lewis
02/08/89 SF The Cowboy rambles again... Troy Cheek
02/09/89 SF SYNCHRONICITY Andy Lewis
02/11/89 SF Subplots in Netherspace Troy Cheek
02/14/89 SF And now...what you've all been... Troy Cheek
02/15/89 SF Further adventures of the... Abigail Ann Young
02/20/89 SF A conflict in Netherspace Troy Cheek
02/24/89 SF Wherein the plotline hits the home... Eric Alfred Burns
037 02/27/89 SF The creation of the multiverse... Troy Cheek
03/01/89 SF Meanwhile, back at Time Central Troy Cheek
03/02/89 SF Attack of the killer subplots Troy Cheek
03/05/89 SF Preparing for the assault on Time... Troy Cheek
03/06/89 SF THREE WEEKS LATE Andy Lewis
03/09/89 SF The rat, the insect, and the... Beth L. Jones
03/09/89 SF Part one of the mighty Sabre... Eric Alfred Burns
038 03/11/89 SF How much for that doggie in the... Troy Cheek
03/14/89 SF Part two of the Sabre Update... Eric Alfred Burns
03/14/89 SF Wherein some very nasty things... Eric Alfred Burns
03/16/89 SF An update on Nathan's characters Nathan Irwin
03/16/89 SF Wherein Nathan posts again!! Nathan Irwin
03/17/89 SF Wherein Skip is discharged from... Patrick McCoy
03/18/89 SF Wherein the battle at Camelot... Eric Alfred Burns
03/18/89 SF Wherein the battle gets well over... Eric Alfred Burns
039 03/19/89 SF Wherein a short character summary... Patrick McCoy
03/20/89 SF Yet another character summary Abigail Ann Young
03/22/89 SF Wrapped Around Your Finger Andy Lewis
03/23/89 SF DX7 St{r}ing Bass Andy Lewis
03/29/89 SF Wherein Skip receives some... Patrick McCoy
04/02/89 SF When the Cowboy comes home again... Troy Cheek
04/12/89 SF Wherein Omegas has a bad day Nathan Irwin
04/13/89 SF In orbit about Earth Troy Cheek
04/16/89 SF And if your first posting doesn't... Troy Cheek
04/16/89 SF Wherein a rather old plotline is... Nathan Irwin
040 04/18/89 SF Another posting bites the dust Troy Cheek
04/26/89 SF Straight to my heart Andy Lewis
05/02/89 SF In orbit around a boring planet... Troy Cheek
05/04/89 SF Facing Disaster {or however you... Troy Cheek
05/10/89 SF An adventure in dialogue Troy Cheek
05/12/89 SF An important bull-etin Troy Cheek
06/27/89 SF Dust to dust... Scott McGuire
06/30/89 SF Adventures in altiverse #233 Nathan Irwin
07/02/89 SF Who are these guys, anyway? Scott McGuire
12/17/89 SF The Police break up (again) Andy Lewis
12/19/89 SF A long, long time ago John Bankert
12/19/89 SF Over our heads Scott McGuire
12/19/89 SF More things on heaven and earth Scott McGuire
041 12/19/89 SF Lost Author #1 Bill Dickson
12/16/89 SF Wherein several plots are sort of... Eric Alfred Burns
12/27/89 SF Wherein we find out just what Marv... Eric Alfred Burns
01/02/90 SF And Now...STETSON TYLER - SPACE... Frank Orzechowski
01/05/90 SF Lost Author #2 Bill Dickson
02/21/90 SF Hey La, CHAOS is back! John Bankert
02/28/90 SF When neutrinos collide Troy Cheek
03/01/90 SF STETSON TYLER -- SPACE COWBOY Frank Orzechowski
03/02/90 SF A funny thing happened... Troy Cheek
042 03/02/90 SF If only Binky were here John Bankert
03/04/90 SF While in warpspace... Troy Cheek
03/06/90 SF Lost Author #9 Bill Dickson
03/07/90 SF Still in netherspace Troy Cheek
03/08/90 SF Near Mydol III Troy Cheek
03/12/90 SF STETSON TYLER -- SPACE COWBOY Frank Orzechowski
03/21/90 SF The cowboy's back! Troy Cheek
03/26/90 SF it begins... ST7542 at SIUCVMB
03/27/90 SF Diana awakens (and a quick... Troy Cheek
043 04/05/90 SF Lost out space Troy Cheek
04/13/90 SF Assault on the Planet of Supermarkets Troy Cheek
05/04/90 SF From the mind of the Cowboy Troy Cheek
05/05/90 SF More from the Cowboy Troy Cheek
05/14/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1 FSILK at ALASKA
05/14/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1.1 FSILK at ALASKA
05/14/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1.2 FSILK at ALASKA
05/14/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1.3 FSILK at ALASKA
05/14/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1.4 FSILK at ALASKA
05/14/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1.5 FSILK at ALASKA
05/15/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1.6 FSILK at ALASKA
05/15/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1.7 FSILK at ALASKA
05/15/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1.8 FSILK at ALASKA
05/15/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 1.9 FSILK at ALASKA
044 05/15/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 2 FSILK at ALASKA
05/15/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 2.1 FSILK at ALASKA
05/15/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 2.2 FSILK at ALASKA
05/15/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 2.3 FSILK at ALASKA
05/15/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 2.4 FSILK at ALASKA
05/16/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 2.5 FSILK at ALASKA
05/16/90 SF Life/Times of Philip Morault Ep. 2.6 FSILK at ALASKA
12/02/90 SF Lost Author #10 Bill Dickson
12/10/90 SF KNOCK KNOCK!! WHO'S THERE??...NEW... ST8141 at SIUCVMB
12/19/90 SF Vistas Eric Alfred Burns
01/29/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #1 Gary W. Olson
045 02/02/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #2 Gary W. Olson
02/07/91 SF The Awakening John Bankert
02/09/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #3 Gary W. Olson
02/20/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #4 Gary W. Olson
02/25/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #5 Gary W. Olson
02/28/91 SF Lost Author: Final Episode Bill Dickson
046 03/03/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #6 Gary W. Olson
03/12/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #7 Gary W. Olson
03/15/91 SF The Beginning Josh Schultz
03/19/91 SF Garrick and Sam Josh Schultz
03/23/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #8 Gary W. Olson
04/01/91 SF Hey lah, it's a post John Bankert
04/01/91 SF Indestructible Kid #1 Bill Paul
047 04/02/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #9 Gary W. Olson
04/04/91 SF Indestructible Kid #2 Bill Paul
04/06/91 SF Indestructible Kid #3 Bill Paul
04/11/91 SF Indestructible Kid #4 Bill Paul
04/11/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #10 Gary W. Olson
048 04/15/91 SF Indestructible Kid #5 Bill Paul
04/16/91 SF Indestructible Kid #6 Bill Paul
04/16/91 SF Indestructible Kid #7 Bill Paul
04/20/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #11 (1/2) Gary W. Olson
04/20/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #11 (2/2) Gary W. Olson
049 04/28/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #12 Gary W. Olson
05/03/91 SF Indestructible Kid #8 Bill Paul
05/05/91 SF Indestructible Kid #9 Bill Paul
05/05/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #13 (1/2) Gary W. Olson
05/05/91 SF Renegade Anarchists #13 (2/2) Gary W. Olson
05/05/91 SF Renegade Anarchists: epilogue Gary W. Olson
09/05/91 SF Indestructible Kid #10 Bill Paul
050 09/06/91 SF Indestructible Kid #12 (1/2) Bill Paul
09/06/91 SF Indestructible Kid #12 (2/2) Bill Paul
09/07/91 SF The Swede has problems... Gary W. Olson
09/09/91 SF Hype for a new series Evan Pongress
09/14/91 SF Voyages of a Warrior of Chaos #1 Tad Simmons
09/21/91 SF Voyages of a Warrior of Chaos #2 Tad Simmons
09/24/91 SF here it comes again... John Bankert
02/14/92 SF Gary Hunt #0 Ken Cooney
02/18/92 SF Gary Hunt #1 Ken Cooney
051 02/19/92 SF Voyages of a Warrior of Chaos #3 Tad Simmons
03/17/92 SF Voyages of a Warrior of Chaos #4 Tad Simmons
03/23/92 SF Gary Hunt #2 Ken Cooney
03/24/92 SF Dead Author #2 Evan Pongress
03/26/92 SF Gary Hunt #3 Ken Cooney
06/07/92 SF Zen Navigator #4 (2/2) Gary W. Olson
07/16/92 SF Gary Hunt #4 Ken Cooney
07/19/92 SF Attack of the Space Toaster 1 of 4 Gary W. Olson
052 07/26/92 SF Attack of the Space Toaster 2 of 4 Gary W. Olson
08/02/92 SF Attack of the Space Toaster 3 of 4 Gary W. Olson
08/09/92 SF Attack of the Space Toaster 4 of 4 Gary W. Olson
08/30/92 SF Renegade Anarchists prologue Gary W. Olson
08/30/92 SF Ren. Anarchists ep. summaries 1-13 Gary W. Olson
08/30/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #14 Gary W. Olson
053 09/06/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #15 Gary W. Olson
09/07/92 SF Captain Galaxy #1 Ben Brown
09/07/92 SF Captain Galaxy #2 Ben Brown
09/08/92 SF Captain Galaxy #3 Ben Brown
09/10/92 SF Captain Galaxy #4 Ben Brown
054 09/13/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #16 Gary W. Olson
09/14/92 SF Captain Galaxy #5 Ben Brown
09/21/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #17 Gary W. Olson
09/27/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #18 Gary W. Olson
10/04/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #19 Gary W. Olson
10/11/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #20 Gary W. Olson
055 10/18/92 SF This Space for Rent #1 John Bankert
10/18/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #21 Gary W. Olson
10/25/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #22 Gary W. Olson
10/28/92 SF This Space for Rent #2 John Bankert
11/02/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #23 Gary W. Olson
056 11/08/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #24 Gary W. Olson
11/15/92 SF Renegade Anarchists #25 Gary W. Olson
11/15/92 SF InterPlanet #0 Eric Alfred Burns
11/16/92 SF InterPlanet #0.5 Eric Alfred Burns
11/17/92 SF InterPlanet #1 Eric Alfred Burns
11/18/92 SF InterPlanet #2 Eric Alfred Burns
057 11/19/92 SF InterPlanet #3 Eric Alfred Burns
11/21/92 SF InterPlanet #4 Eric Alfred Burns
11/24/92 SF InterPlanet #5 Eric Alfred Burns
11/27/92 SF InterPlanet #6 Eric Alfred Burns
058 11/30/92 SF InterPlanet #7 Eric Alfred Burns
12/02/92 SF This Space for Rent #3 John Bankert
12/18/92 SF InterPlanet #8 Eric Alfred Burns
01/10/93 SF Ha'Veluri Solo Adventure #1 Jesse Taylor
01/13/93 SF This Space for Rent #4 John Bankert
059 01/16/93 SF Ha'Veluri Solo Adventure #2 Jesse Taylor
01/29/93 SF Ha'Veluri Solo Adventure #3 Jesse Taylor
02/10/93 SF Renegade Anarchists II #1 Gary W. Olson
02/13/93 SF Ha'Veluri Solo Adventure #4 Jesse Taylor
02/16/93 SF Renegade Anarchists II #2 Gary W. Olson
02/19/93 SF This Space for Rent #5 John Bankert
060 02/22/93 SF Renegade Anarchists II #3 Gary W. Olson
03/02/93 SF Renegade Anarchists II #4 Gary W. Olson
03/13/93 SF Near Space Three #1 Jesse Taylor
03/15/93 SF Renegade Anarchists II #5 Gary W. Olson
03/16/93 SF Renegade Anarchists II #6 Gary W. Olson
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